Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Comparing Intersex And Transgender Females Deserve A Place...

Intersex and transgender females deserve a place of belonging in the world of sport. Society’s need to categorize humans makes it difficult for minorities to find a sense of belonging. Humans are easily given labels by society - as gay, straight, black, asian, female, male etc. This system works for the majority of people, and those who fit in do not see a necessity to change these constructs. As Judith Butler argues in her essay Undoing Gender we must remake the definition of human by deconstructing our preconceived notion of humanity and continuously reassembling it. Butler eloquently states â€Å"This means we must learn to live and to embrace the destruction and re-articulation of the human in the name of a more capacious and, finally, less†¦show more content†¦Physicist Ira Hammerman discovered that in a set of swimming and running races woman s world records were consistently about 90 percent of the men’s world record. Further research proved this ratio true across diverse sports (Meyer). Many believe that a male-to-female transgender holds an unfair competitive advantage against a cisgender female because they were born as males and therefore retain some of the advantages that come with masculinity. These advantages go beyond the biological differences in gender - which can be equated with hormonal treatment. In her essay Essentialism and Experience Bell Hooks discusses the effect of male privilege. She argues that male students, who have spent most of their lives benefitting from male privilege, do not fully understand the passion of experience in a classroom. Similarly we can explore the benefits of male privilege in sport which is a drastically male dominant aspect of society. A study at the University of Southern California uncovered that L.A. based broadcast affiliates devote only 3.2 percent of airtime to women’s sport (Good). Iris Young builds on this societal imbalance in her essay Throwing Like a Girl. Young expl ains how societal structures have a psychological effect on female performance. She argues that the fact that women cannot throw as far as men is not simply due to the biomechanical differences between genders but rather

Monday, December 16, 2019

Homosexuality Nature Versus Nurture Free Essays

HOMOSEXUALITY: NATURE VERSUS NURTURE Nature; all things belong to Mother Nature; the trees, the flowers, insects, the great waters, animals, and even the human race; all following the laws of nature that we are instinctively born with. However somewhere along the line something or someone defies those laws and go against what nature intended. Whether or not this rebellion is fostered by nurture, or if there is an exception to the laws that Mother Nature has set forth is a question that psychologist and many people have encountered and most have yet to find the answer. We will write a custom essay sample on Homosexuality: Nature Versus Nurture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Homosexuality has been thought of as being something that some are born with and others believe it is a learned behavior. Whether or not nature or nurture is the cause for this â€Å"abnormality† we may never definitively know the answer to. But then again that all depends on what we define as being â€Å"normal†. To begin to answer the questions that plague humanity about sexual orientation we must first ask ourselves what exactly is sexuality and what role does it play in our society and the continuation of life. Sexuality is broken down into three areas: heterosexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality. If you look at these on a scale one’s sexuality would be measured by the degree in which ones feelings are more drawn too from one end of the scale to the other (Feldman, 2009, pg 376). There are several components that are argued to have a significant role in what a person’s sexual identity is. These components are both biological and environmental in nature (Feldman, 2009, pg 377). Biologically hormones may play a role in determining sexual orientation (Feldman, 2009, pg 377). â€Å"Research has shown that women exposed to a drug called diethylstilbestrol (DES), taken by women to avoid miscarriage, before birth were more likely to be homosexual or bisexual† (Feldman, 2009, pg 377). â€Å"There is also research suggesting that brain structure could be a factor in the determination of ones sexuality† (Feldman, 2009, pg 377). The structure of the anterior hypothalamus, an area of the brain that governs sexual behavior, differs in male homosexuals and heterosexuals; compared with heterosexual men or women, gay men have a larger anterior commissure, which is a bundle of neurons connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain† (Feldman, 2009, pg 377). Although biological reasoning can not be a clear cut explanation for homosexuality; it leaves us room to understand the condition of homosexuals rather than boorishly passing judgment on peopl e for something they did not ask to be. Examining the notion that homosexuality is a learned behavior rather than an innate behavior has led to one very interesting yet sad life lesson for one family suffering from what one could call the effects of inadvertent child abuse. David Reimer was born Bruce Reimer, however he was raised as Brenda Reimer. When David and his twin brother Brian were just six months old their mother took them in for a routine circumcision. The babies had been having difficulty passing urine and with the suggestion of the family Doctor Mrs. Reimer took her boys in for the procedure that would ultimately change David’s life before it even began (McKenna, Kessler, Tiefer, and Schober, 2002). â€Å"The doctors had chosen an unconventional method of circumcision, one in which the skin would be burned. The procedure went horribly wrong and Bruce’s penis was burned so badly that it could not be repaired surgically. † Thinking irrationally, Mrs. Reimer’s first concerns were how Bruce would cope as an adolescent lacking a penis. The decision was made; after listening to a Doctor by the name of John Money, and taking into consideration his views on sexuality, it was decided that Bruce would be raised as a female, and was renamed Brenda. Dr. John Money of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore argues that â€Å"boys – caught early enough – could be raised to be girls; nurture and not nature determines a child’s gender, the doctor argued† (McKenna, Kessler, Tiefer, and Schober, 2002). If this is to be true, that nurture is the determining factor in ones sexuality, then raising Bruce as Brenda would seemingly erase any hardship he would have to encounter growing up. However that would prove to be furthest from the truth. Growing up Brenda couldn’t understand why she liked doing things that boys were doing and why as an adolescent she became attracted to girls and not boys. Eventually Brenda would learn the truth of her true identity and what he had been going through with Dr. Money and his â€Å"experiment†; a life experience that would ultimately lead to his committing suicide (McKenna, Kessler, Tiefer, and Schober, 2002). Subjecting individuals to such traumas can prove to have a psychological hold on people who have to endure such horrific episodes in their lives. Sexual trauma and early exposure to sexual activity is another argument in the quest to determine the roots to homosexuality. There are so many young girls today that start out with sexual activity at an early age; some as early as ten years old. Over time these young ladies are exposed to sexual activity such as oral sex, group sex, and same-sex gratification. They have allowed themselves to be misused by men, for lack of guidance, and find that blaming the men for their broken hearts is an easy way to act on their curiosities about same-sex relations. With the rise of same-sex parenting it is only natural for one to assume that such behavior displayed in the home would raise questions to rather or not this type of dysfunctional display of what a family is â€Å"supposed† to look like could actually be one of the causes of homosexuality amongst pre-teens and teens. If this is all they see at home this becomes normal to them; therefore making heterosexuality an abnormality. However on the contrary studies show that â€Å"researchers looked at information gleaned from 15 studies on more than 500 children, evaluating possible stigma, teasing and social isolation, adjustment and self-esteem, opposite gender role models, sexual orientation, and strengths. Studies from 1981 to 1994, including 260 children reared by either heterosexual mothers or same-sex mothers after divorce, found no differences in intelligence, type or prevalence of psychiatric disorders, self-esteem, well-being, peer relationships, couple relationships, or parental stress†(MD, Chang, 2002). Some studies showed that single heterosexual parents’ children have more difficulties than children who have parents of the same sex,† Perrin says. â€Å"They did better in discipline, self-esteem, and had less psychosocial difficulties at home and at school† (MD, Chang, 2002). â€Å"Another study of 37 children of 27 divorced lesbian mothers and a similar number of childre n of heterosexual mothers found no differences in behavior, adjustment, gender identity, and peer relationships† (MD, Chang, 2002). The effects of same-sex parenting seems to be equally or more effective than that of heterosexual house-holds. The one governing element in child rearing is a combination of love, discipline, and explanation of things not easily understood. There can, however, be a much darker side to the equation. Such as childhood rape; â€Å"although it is difficult to make accurate estimates of the true incidence of child sexual abuse, due to the majority of the cases going unreported, experts estimate that each year a half million children are sexually abused† (Feldman, 2009, pg 380). The short – and longer term consequences of child hood sexual abuse can be extremely damaging. Victims report fear, anxiety, depression, anger, and hostility. Long-term effects may include depression, self-destructive behavior such as drug and alcohol abuse, poor self-esteem, and feeling of isolation† (Feldman, 2009, pg 381). Children who experience same-sex sexual abuse can suffer identity issu es when it comes time for them to identify their sexual orientation. Because of the trauma this behavior fosters confusion, and uncertainty about who they are sexually. There are however those who triumph in the face of adversity; those who take negatives and make out of them their testimony and help others with the same or similar issues. Take for example the life of Mr. Donnie McClurkin; as a child Donnie was not raped once but twice by two different family members. Both family members were of the male gender. Throughout his life Donnie had to cope with the sexual trauma he had endured at such an early age; he became confused and could not understand why him (Boykin, 2002). Mr. McClurkin led a homosexual lifestyle for over 20 years until he completely gave his life over to his religion. He is now married to a woman and has children. He no longer lives a homosexual lifestyle (Boykin, 2002) In this situation his choice to lead a homosexual lifestyle was fostered by sexual and mental trauma, this does not constitute factual standing that he was born a homosexual or even that he really â€Å"choose† to have these misunderstood feelings for the same sex. So how then do we conclude whether or not sexuality is a choice or an inborn attribute people come to this world with before they even completely understand the beauty of sexual orientation? Living in a world where you are forced suppress who you really are to pacify the needs of others will always be a hindrance and in turn will keep you oppressed in your own body. Most homosexuals suffer from depression because they are hiding their true selves from the world for fear of being exiled so-to-speak by society. However in this day and age freedom to self expression has become more accepted though there are still others who have become like a recluse to their families because of their sexual preference. Is homosexuality really a sin? First of all we have to establish what the word sin really means. According to the Bible; to sin is to transgress the law. Most people who are familiar with religion and its origin know that according to Hebrew Scriptures the law is what we call today the Old Testament, or more accurately referred to as the Torah. The Torah was given to Moses in it you will find the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28) Though in the United States of America church and state are deemed separate, the constitution adheres to those Ten Commandments in which speak nothing of homosexuality. So, how then does homosexuality become a sin; would it be the same as saying a person afflicted with mental retardation is a sinner; they too did not ask to be that way. Being in your natural state means to be who you are; if you are a homosexual who pretends to be heterosexual to please society you are then in an unnatural state. If God makes no mistakes then why are homosexuals persecuted so harshly? Religion is a man made institution to allow for structure within a society; it has nothing to do with nature. If one can not explain the beauty of God in mere mortal words how then can they determine what is natural and what is not. Life is an expression; so is love. Therefore if it is more natural for one to express their love with someone of the same sex, then who are we to judge? The line between â€Å"normal† and â€Å"abnormal† can be as thin as the line between love and hate. To be is to exist and to have your very existence held hostage by the insecurities of someone else’s existence is an injustice imposed by a society who finds great thrill in playing the role of God. Nature is beautiful. It brings with it the beauty of mystery and the excitement of being able to acquire knowledge thereof. It can not be explained by limiting its greatness to the confines of the human psyche and the ignorance of its grace. Nature determines what is natural. If it is born of nature that it is in the state it was intended to be; so again I ask who are we to judge? References Boykin, K. , (2002) Confessions of Donnie McClurkin. Retrieved May 23, 2009 from http://www. keithboykin. om/arch/2002/11/19/confessions_of. Feldman, R. S. , (2009) Understanding Psychology. Ninth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. McKenna W. , Kessler S. J. , Tiefer L. , Schober J. M. (2002). As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31(3), 301-306. Retrieved May 25, 2009, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 121961432). MD, Chang, L. , (2002). Study: Same-Sex Parents Raise Well-Adjusted Kids. Retrieved May 24, 2009 from WebMD Health News Archive. T he Bible. King James Version. How to cite Homosexuality: Nature Versus Nurture, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Best Medium to be Used for Instruction English or Filipino Position paper free essay sample

Introduction The poor quality of basic education is reflected in the low achievement scores of Filipino students. International test results like 2003 TIMSS rank the Philippines 34th out of 38 countries in HS II Science. For grade 4, the Philippines ranked 23rd out of 25 participating countries in both Math Science. In 2008, even with only the science high schools participating in the Advanced Mathematics category, the Philippines was ranked lowest. According to the EDCOM Report, the quality of Philippine education is declining continuously. Because of this, the EDCOM recommended to enlarge and enrich technical/vocational education and make the vernacular and Filipino the media of instruction for basic education. Is this really the appropriate respond to the said alarming report? Medium of instruction is a language used in teaching. In the Philippines, both English and Filipino are used by the teachers to cater learning among the students. Some critics said that using English in public schools is a violation of the Philippine Constitution. We will write a custom essay sample on The Best Medium to be Used for Instruction English or Filipino Position paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They even signed a petition asking the Supreme Court to block Executive Order No. 210 which requires the use of English as a medium of instruction in Philippine public schools. When former President Gloria Arroyo was asked about the legality of her new medium of instruction policy, Manila Times quoted her: â€Å"After all, the Constitution specifies that the use of Filipino as language of instruction is subject to provisions of the law and as the Congress may deem appropriate. Therefore, until Congress enacts a law mandating Filipino as the language of instruction† she could give the order to make English the â€Å"primary medium of instruction. † It is very clear that our government is still confused as to what medium of instruction must be used to respond the alarming state of our education system. In the struggle of helping our students for better learning, which could be a more effective medium of instruction, English or Filipino? This blog aims to contribute useful idea in the advent of improving the status of our education system. Discussion Proper Everyone knows that a big part of teaching is communication. It is more than just imparting knowledge to students. It is about effective communication and that when it is missing, everything is nonsense inside the classroom. Where misunderstanding is, ignorance is also. Looking at the state of Philippine education system as reported by the EDCOM, I think the educators are facing a very serious problem. Maybe we can point out some of the reasons behind this problem: books, size of the class, resources, etc. But as a teacher, I started to ask myself â€Å"Am I really understood by most of my students? † Now everyone will agree that we need greater competence in English to be competitive in a globalized world. But educators or those who have done education research will disagree that using English as the medium of instruction will accomplish that goal. As a matter of fact, they point out that research findings are unequivocal, that to achieve greater mastery in English or Filipino, the most effective medium of instruction is in the childs mother tongue; that is his first language or the language spoken at home. Studies in country after country bear this out. Teaching in an official school language that is not the mother tongue is a major barrier in the childs learning (Monsod 2009). Now, I find myself a bit torn with this issue†¦Seriously, I don’t really appreciate English, but I find it more flexible than Filipino as a medium of instruction. Books like Science and Math for instance, can hardly be taught using Tagalog or Bisayan. Though some teachers occasionally use vernacular in teaching the said subjects; yet, English is the primary language used. The Philippines is a country of many languages, so I think English is the most appropriate language to use since it is the universal language. Using vernacular and Filipino as the media of instruction as recommended by the EDCOM is not the answer of improving the students’ performance in international assessments like the TIMSS. Perhaps, a â€Å"teacher factor† can be one reason behind this problem, and I think this must be taken as a challenge rather than an excuse to every educator in improving his communication skills with English. Just imagine that even in Japan, teaching English is a billion-dollar industry. If we want to invest education, then let us not forget the front liners. While the students need more books and rooms that are comfortable and conducive to learning, teachers need accessible and FREE trainings and workshops in enhancing their teaching and communication skills. Conclusions In this age of globalization, it is very important to learn English to be able to compete in the knowledge-based world, and education is the only way to do this. The government must be firm in imposing and implementing its top priorities. I really don’t believe that English is a major barrier in the child’s learning as mentioned by Prof. Monsod in her article. Possibly, the grounds could be the student’s standard of living, nutritional status, mental ability, or emotional stability which needs to be looked into by responsible authorities. I dont agree that using English as a medium of instruction is one way of keeping ones colonial mentality. We have to accept that today is an era of globalization, and we can only keep ourselves competitive if we raise our standards in English competency. Japan and other East Asian countries are spending huge amount of money just to learn this language because they know how important it is to acquire the language for their own existence. Yet, they are still known for their sense of nationalism. The bottom line is we simply just dont lose our sense of nationalism just by learning, improving, and mastering the English language. As a matter of fact, improving ourselves in this field means helping our country to prosper more and that is a true spirit of nationalism. I can be a good teacher in using vernacular language but I can be a better teacher when I use English as the primary medium of instruction.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sierra Murray Essays - Jain Cosmology, Naraka, Reincarnation

Sierra Murray Thursday, April 7, 16 Essay Exotic Pleasures The short story "Exotic Pleasures" has a very specific setting that greatly contributes to the theme of the story. The theme of this particular text would be apocalyptic destruction of the human race. Firstly, the apocalyptic setting is a way of foreshadowing the ending of the text; the fact that nature always wins. It's a way of getting the reader's ready for what comes next. Secondly, the physical setting; dry and hellish also adds on to the apocalyptic theme. And lastly, the economic situation of the text can portray a hellish environment; the way there is only low and high class, with absolutely no middle class. All these attributes combine to contribute to the apocalyptic theme of the text "Exotic Pleasures". In the text "Exotic Pleasures", the author chose the apocalyptic setting to foreshadow how nature always wins. The main foreshadowing was a great clue as of to what included in the ending. "Service stations in the north were overcome by green vegetation. Men in masks sprayed poisons which proved ineffective. People lay in hospital beds seriously ill from drinking water contaminated by this same herbicide. Fire, it seemed, rather than slowing the spread of the Rock-drill merely accelerated the germination of the seeds. Mort watched an overgrown house sacrificed to fire and then the result, a week later, when giant Rock-drills grew in the burnt-out ruins. He would have turned complacently to the late movie on another channel, had they mot shown film of the Rock-drill's home environment." (127) This subliminal foreshadowing contributed to the main theme of the text and made it very clear that it was about how nature always wins. It was a strong indicator and directly foreshadows what happens next. This quote from the text also foreshadows the fact that the human race is the end to themselves, being poisoned by poisons they made to fix the problem, just making it bigger. The physical setting of the text "Exotic Pleasures" contributes to the theme, which is, that nature always wins. Settings that could be as simple as a parking lot were described in a way that suggests apocalyptic qualities, "Through pale veils of pleasure she saw him walking back across the blistering car park and she knew, before he arrived at the car, exactly what his eyes would look like." Lilly explains the setting in a way that suggests it to be dead and dry as it would be in an apocalyptical way. The physical setting of the text contributed greatly to the main theme of the text "Exotic Pleasures". The economic situation of the people in the text can portray a dead and hellish environment; the way there is only low and high class, with absolutely no middle class, contributes to the main theme of the particular text. In the beginning of the text the couple Lilly and Mort need to make money for a living, and settled by using a bird to make their living. The couple is struggling to live and even 5 dollars is much for them to spend. Lilly bought the bird for the low cost of five dollars and still felt that she couldn't, "I can only offer five," she said, thinking that she couldn't offer five at all." (113). The fact that the economic situation is so bad, contributes greatly to the theme in which nature always wins in this particular text. The text "Exotic Pleasures" has many elements that make the theme very obvious. The foreshadowing in the text suggests the theme of the story, which is apocalyptical and the fact that nature always wins. The physical setting, which is dry and hellish also contributes. Lastly, the economic situation in the text also contributes to the theme of the text. All these elements add together to contribute to the obvious theme, which is apocalyptic, and the fact that nature always wins.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn essay

buy custom The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel that was written by Mark Twain and published in 2005. It reveals the life story of a boy, Huckleberry, and his life experience. This helped him to learn significant values as well as lessons about life that enabled him to grow up and face challenges in life. Huckleberry traveled from one place to another and in the process he met different characters. From this adventure, Huckleberry learns many things about life. Huckleberry grows in a free world where he does what he wants. But his actions led to consequences. The setting of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn helps him to grow up in a way that shapes his future. The consequences taught him things he needed to know, and ultimately shaped his future decisions, which is definitely what growing up means. Huckleberry Finn grows as a person who tries to civilize himself. He runs away from his drunkard father to a nearby island with his friend Jim. They discovered a push where they made their own home and planned to sail the Mississippi river whereby they both would become free. They traveled at night and slept inside the woods during daytime to avoid being caught. Huckleberry and Jim became good friends just like a family. However, they eventually became separated when the steamboat hit their push where they were staying. Huckleberry moved to a shore and stayed with Grangerfords family. He was later involved in the warfare, but he left where he was staying afte many families were killed. However, Huckleberry was later joined by Jim and two other friends. The four of them started swindling money from various cities through performing plays and shows. In addition, they got involved in a robbery and started stealing money from people within the city. From Huckleberrys encounters on the Mississippi river, he learnt many lessons about life. First, Huckleberry learnt that life is full of misfortunes and one has to endure problems in life, but he is forced to blame life for his own actions. He is forced to look after himself after he ran away from his drunkard father. Being a young boy, he undergoes several problems faced by adults, but he was forced to deal with them like a mature person. He blames himself for his own actions. Thus, he learnt how to apologize. For instance, Huck says but I done it (Twain 42) when he trickled Jim about the snake on the bed. In his statement I mean no more tricks, I wouldnt have done (Twain 47), is something that reveals that he is maturing. Huckleberry learnt that maturity is a process that one has to go through. From his encounters along the river, he learnt that one has to go through life experiences through trial and error. After Huckleberry ran away from his drunkard father and settled nearby the Mississippi river, he discovered more about life. Moreover, Huck learnt that it is significant to keep ones word in life. For instance, wheen Huck discovered that Jim was hiding in the island where he was staying, he asked Jim how he had got there. Jim narrated him a bit of information that was surprising to him. However, Jim warned him not to tell anybody, but rather keep the secret. Therefore, Huck responded by uttering that I would not, and I will stick to it (Twain 49). Huck began to realize the importance of keeping secrets because he understood that secrets revealed out may affect others. Thus, he says I aint a going to tell (Twain 51). Lastly, like the river, the plot flows around twists, through darkness and to the bright light.However, Huck learnt the differences between the right and wrong from his life experiences. Huckleberrys life story is full of shock found within the various episodes of narrations in the novel. This is because Huckleberry had to struggle in order to earn a living; a process through which he started to develop a mature life outlook. However, he eventually learnt that humane treatment, as well as respect, is what everyone expected. He demonstrated a caring concern of people after he learned that life has challenges. He says I couldnt ever feel any hardness (Twain 57). Additionally, he learns how humiliating another person is wrong. Thus, he says to Jim I aint do it again (Twain 59). This is after he discovered that he had humiliated Jim after he tricked him about the snake. This shows that Huck was maturing. Buy custom "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Pyramid Of Life

The Pyramid Of Life When you look at a pyramid, youll notice that its broad base gradually narrows as it extends upward. The same holds true for the organization of life on Earth. At the base of this hierarchical structure is the most inclusive level of organization, the biosphere. As you climb the pyramid, the levels become less encompassing and more specific. Lets take a look at this hierarchical structure for the organization of life, starting with the biosphere at the base and culminating with the atom at the peak. Hierarchical Structure of Life Biosphere: The biosphere includes all of the Earths biomes and all living organisms within. This includes areas on the Earths surface, below the Earths surface, and in the atmosphere. Biome: Biomes encompass all of the Earths ecosystems. They can be divided into regions of similar climate, plant life, and animal life. Biomes consist of both land biomes and aquatic biomes. The organisms in each biome have acquired special adaptations for living in their specific environment. Ecosystem: Ecosystems involve interactions between living organisms and their environment. This includes both living and nonliving material in an environment. An ecosystem contains many different types of communities. Extremophiles, for example, are organisms that thrive in extreme ecosystems such as salt lakes, hydrothermal vents, and in the stomachs of other organisms. Community: Communities consist of different populations (groups of organisms of the same species) in a given geographic area. From people and plants to bacteria and fungi, communities include the living organisms in an environment. The different populations interact with and influence one another in a given community. Energy flow is guided by the food webs and food chains in a community. Population: Populations are groups of organisms of the same species living in a specific community. Populations may increase in size or shrink depending on a number of environmental factors. A population is limited to a specific species. A population could be a species of plant, species of animal, or a bacterial colony. Organism: A living organism is a single individual of a species that exhibits the basic characteristics of life. Living organisms are highly ordered and have the ability to grow, develop, and reproduce. Complex organisms, including humans, rely on the cooperation between organ systems to exist. Organ System: Organ systems are groups of organs within an organism. Some examples are the circulatory, digestive, nervous, skeletal, and reproductive systems, which work together to keep the body functioning normally. For instance, nutrients obtained by the digestive system are distributed throughout the body by the circulatory system. Likewise, the circulatory system distributes oxygen that is taken in by the respiratory system. Organ: An organ is an independent part of the body of an organism that carries out specific functions. Organs include the heart, lungs, kidneys, skin, and ears. Organs are composed of different types of tissue arranged together to perform specific tasks. For example, the brain is composed of several different types including nervous and connective tissues. Tissue: Tissues are groups of cells with both a shared structure and function. Animal tissue can be grouped into four subunits: epithelial tissue, connective tissues, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. Tissues are grouped together to form organs. Cell: Cells are the simplest form of living units. Processes that occur within the body are carried out on a cellular level. For example, when you move your leg, it is the responsibility of nerve cells to transmit these signals from your brain to the muscle cells in your leg. There are a number of different types of cells within the body including blood cells, fat cells, and stem cells. Cells of different categories of organisms include plant cells, animal cells, and bacterial cells. Organelle: Cells contain tiny structures called organelles, which are responsible for everything from housing the cells DNA to producing energy. Unlike organelles in prokaryotic cells, organelles in eukaryotic cells are often enclosed by a membrane. Examples of organelles include the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, and chloroplasts. Molecule: Molecules are composed of atoms and are the smallest units of a compound. Molecules can be arranged into large molecular structures such as chromosomes, proteins, and lipids. Some of these large biological molecules may be grouped together to become the organelles that compose your cells. Atom: Finally, there is the ever so tiny atom. It takes extremely powerful microscopes to view these units of matter (anything that has mass and takes up space). Elements such as carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen are composed of atoms. Atoms bonded together to make molecules. For example, a water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom. Atoms represent the smallest and most specific unit of this hierarchical structure.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Calture and landscape Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Calture and landscape - Research Paper Example The country can be hot and dry in one region and at the same time cold and freezing in another (Dwyer and Alderman, 2008). However, the only universal connection between these different regions is the indigenous people. They all posses a enthusiasm for life and make any guest swiftly feel relieved. The estancias, tango, and gauchos are the country’s most well known attractions and once there, guests find life’s tempo exciting. The natives only stop for siesta. They play hard, enjoy life to its fullest, and work harder. Most guests go straight for the country’s headquarters; Buenos Aires, which is a thriving modern and cosmopolitan city. It is full of character and well known for its exhilarating nightlife, fantastic food and excellent shopping prospects (Palang et al., 2003). Hotels come in a range of standard and price, those offering more facilities and better service being in the upper price bracket. In the capital, Buenos Aires, sumptuous hotels are spread al l over the city while not expensive hotels are mostly located in Avenida de Mayo. Anywhere you choose to hang about in Argentina, service is usually excellent, and nearly all quarters have air conditioning. Anywhere you tour in Argentina, you will not be short of activities to take part in and things to see. It is a great family vacation as well as being a preferred haunt with tourists (Mayda, 2013). The food is outstanding and the shopping is healthier. The nation of Argentina is separated by its weather patterns. The south and north of the country experiences a very different weather patterns throughout the year. The northern Argentina experiences a subtropical climate with rainfall throughout the year. The heat can frequently be high and the air is often humid. One will need to pack frivolous linens and clothes if you are on vacation in this area. The central region of Argentina typically experiences lovely weather with humid and hot interlude during summer, from December to Febr uary, and cool and wet weather patterns during winter, from July and August. December all through to February is busy in central region, as lots of Europeans arrive to seek out the winter sun (Rubenstein, 1999). Tierra del Fuedo, in the southern region has a sub arctic temperature all year round. It is perfect for winter spots and it is not so perfect for those looking to getaway to the sun. Heavy and warm clothes are a necessary for those travelling to the south. For residents of the northern part, Argentina gives a possibility for traveler to enjoy at least two summers in a year. However, the country’s great variety and the extended geography shows that visiting is pleasant at any season of the year. The climate of Argentina ranges from subtropical in the north to steamy and humid in the center while it is cold in the southern part. The upper Ades region experiences erratic rainfall with much flash flood during summer, scorching heat, and snow at higher elevations (Duncan e t al., 2007). The lowlands receive enough rainfalls that support the swampy forests and the upland savanna. Rainfall decreases as you move to the west while shallow summer floods are commonly experienced in the east. After quite along period of the summer, winter period is pronounced. This gives chance for a dry season and takes off the brutal summer heat. On the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Positive and Negative Environmental effects of Genetically Modified Research Paper

Positive and Negative Environmental effects of Genetically Modified Crops - Research Paper Example Still, a number of objections have been raised. This essay examines the positive and negative environmental effects of genetically modified crops. While genetically modified crops have steadily gained support there exists a strong contingent of groups that object to these crops on environmental reasons. Within this contingent some of the strongest objections have been levied by groups concerned with environmental sustainability as well as religious groups that object to genetic modification on moral grounds. Still, it’s clear a growing body of research has pointed to substantial environmental concerns from implementing genetically modified crops. In this context of understanding, one of the predominant concerns is unintended harm to surrounding crops and organisms. For instance, a recent study indicated that, â€Å"pollen from B.t. corn caused high mortality rates in monarch butterfly caterpillars† (‘Transgenic Pollen’, pg. 214). While this study was not co nducted in natural conditions, other researchers have argued similar contentions. In these regards, it’s been noted that pollen and other genetically modified crop outgrowth holds a strong potential for spreading to surrounding areas and detrimentally affecting the life-cycle of a variety of organisms. Another prominent environmental concern related to the use of genetically modified crops is the reported potential of gene-transfer to non-target species. Essentially this concern indicates that crops that have been genetically modified for stringent resistance to weather conditions or other areas of detriment will transfer their crop resistance to less desirable outgrowth. For instance, â€Å"crop plants engineered for herbicide tolerance and weeds will cross-breed, resulting in the transfer of the herbicide resistance genes from the crops into the weeds. These "superweeds" would then be herbicide tolerant as well† (Whitman). These concerns have emerged in a number of r eal-world contexts, with lawsuits emerging in situations where adjacent genetically modified crop-land have reportedly infected non-modified crops. Another prominent concern in this area of understanding is the worry of the reduced effectiveness of pesticides. This concern takes a variety of forms as farmers of non-genetically modified crops worry that new species of insects might emerge in response to genetically modified crops that are then entirely resistant to traditional forms of pesticides. While there have been a variety of proposed solutions to the above mentioned environmental concerns, it’s clear that at least in the present technological environment they remain viable worries for farmers not directly involved in the production of genetically modified strains of crop. Even as substantial environmental objections exist to genetically modified crops, researchers note that there is considerable environmental support for this mode of agricultural production. One of the major noted environmental benefits for farmers is the increased pest resistance of genetically modified crops. One of the primary areas where such genetic modification has had a tremendous impact on farming is in developing regions. In these areas, â€Å"agricultural production does not merely function as a means of economic profit, but is oftentimes intimately linked to the population’

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Catcher in the Rye Plot Essay Example for Free

Catcher in the Rye Plot Essay When someone is young, they tend to have innocence about them. As children grow up, they no longer possess this natural innocence. Exposure to all of the hatred in the world causes this loss. Holden Caulfield realizes this simple fact, as he himself grows up, and has a difficult time with the change. He experiences problems with communication as well as his school work. A common theme used throughout The Catcher in the Rye has to do with contradictions Holden makes. In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, first person point of view is used to highlight contradictions Holden makes throughout the novel. Holden’s first contradiction becomes clear in the first few chapters of the book. When it comes to attending movies, he claims that he does not enjoy the company of Robert Ackley or going to see movies. Yet, he attends a show with Ackley. On Friday night, while Stradlater was on a date with Jane, Holden made his own plans. Holden, Mal Brossard, and Ackley went out for a burger and a movie. â€Å"†¦ decided we’d take a bus into Agerstown and have a hamburger and maybe see a lousy movie.†(36) Due to the use of first person point of view, we find out Holden’s inner thoughts instead of just relying on his actions. Also, later on in the novel, Holden goes to yet another movie, despite his claim of not enjoying them. While in the theater, he becomes extremely annoyed with the woman sitting next to him. She cried throughout the entire movie over, in Holden’s words, phony stuff. â€Å"†¦ there was a lady sitting next to me that cried all through the goddam picture. The phonier it got, the more she cried.†(139) We learn about Holden’s inner thoughts because of first person point of view. We can find another contradiction dealing with Holden’s hatred of movies. When he attends the first movie, he goes with Robert Ackley, despite the fact that Holden previously told us that he dislikes him. Holden says that he finds Ackley to be completely annoying. However, he was the one who invited Ackley along. â€Å"I asked Mal if he minded if Ackley came along with us†¦ Mal said he didn’t mind but that he wasn’t too crazy about the idea.†(36) This quote helps show another contradiction of Holden’s through Salinger’s use of first person point of view. Holden also sought out Ackley as a form of comfort after his fight with Stradlater. Holden had no one else to turn to after the fight except for Ackley. â€Å"I had a feel Ackley’d probably heard all the racket and was awake, so I went through the shower curtains and into his room† (46). Salinger again uses first person point of view to show even more of this contraction. Another contradiction that can be found has to do with Sally Hayes. Although Holden calls Sally a phony, he still decides to spend a night with her. In his head, he continues to say how much he hates Sally and how much she annoys him, yet he expresses that he loves her. Holden extends his contradiction by necking with Sally in the back of the cab, and still continues to think about the fact that he hates her. â€Å"I told her I loved her and all. It was a lie, of course.†(125) Holden’s actual thoughts about Sally stick out from the other statements through the use of first person point of view. Holden even goes as far as trying to run away with Sally. He expresses a want of running away and living on their own, right after calling her a pain in the ass. â€Å"I was getting excited as hell the more I thought about it, and I sort of reached over and took old Sally’s goddam hand. What a goddam fool I was.† (132) This contradiction was shown through the use of first person point of view. First person point of view is used by J.D. Salinger to show Holden’s contradictions in the Catcher in the Rye. Holden contradicts himself on a regular basis; it leads him to believe that he is crazy. Due to the fact that he has a problem with communicating to others, letting his feelings out became a challenge. His biggest battle involved his inner thoughts, and the words he actually expressed out loud. We can find most of his contradictions through this battle of words.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Total Effect of The Tragedy of Macbeth :: essays research papers

The Shadow   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Tragedy of Macbeth†, written by William Shakespeare, gives the reader an impact of the horror at the darkness in humans. In the story, the most dominant literary element is the theme. The theme brings out the impact of horror, while the other literary elements support it. One of the most evident quotes that made me think of the horror of darkness in humans was said by Macbeth, â€Å"Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This quote showed that Macbeth was heavily influenced by his ambitions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theme, being the most dominant literary element, shows how the darkness in people has been drawn out. Themes such as appearance versus reality, attempts to control the future, human responses to supernatural powers and loyalty show how we can be easily taken over by the evil in us. After the death of King Duncan, Macbeth tries to convince himself that he did the right thing. He murdered his king in cold blood and regained his consciousness for a brief moment. â€Å"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?† this quote, also spoken by Macbeth, gives the reader a sense that he regained his ego and was exposed with extreme guilt. It also gives a sense that he was possessed by a demon. This can be backed up by the theme of human responses to supernatural powers. Although the witches contribute greatly here, I would want to talk about hallucinations first. (In psychology, hallucinations are a form of supernatural powers.) The soliloquy in Act II Scene I show Macbeth hallucinating of an imaginary, bloody dagger. â€Å"Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle towards my hand?† This was his illusion of what was upcoming, the murdering of King Duncan. This illusion gives the reader a sense that he is possessed by his alter-ego that he is going to kill the king. The witches foretold the future, and that their prophecies of Macbeth let his own â€Å"shadow† take over himself. Being that Macbeth went crazy from murdering his king, he also became aware that this murdering might also happen to him. This he decided to try and control his future – well, at least in several attempts, but always ended up half done. â€Å"To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus†¦Ã¢â‚¬  this quote shows that Macbeth is in fear, and he tries to overcome this fear by eliminating anyone that was a threat to him.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Terminal and Intrumental Values

You hold the key to your own mind and imagination and it's better for people to understand that so they're able to move on in the future. Inner Harmony, Self-Respect and wisdom are definitely the most important to me because they encourage mental and spiritual growth. Know many people aren't religious but spiritual doesn't always have to be put in that context. Mean it in a more â€Å"One with your mind, one with your body' kind of way. I'm not a person who is god with expressing her feelings through speech, I like to analyze privately and observe things.I am more of a reserved person unless I'm in my comfort zone. Being comfortable with yourself could make you feel comfortable any and everywhere. Values like world peace and equality are definitely important, it's just that to me, they're only possible if EVERYONE in the world IS at peace within themselves, and at the rate we're traveling I'm not sure if we'll get there anytime soon. I don't value social recognition at all; it hinde rs a person to do things only to be noticed. It's okay to want to make a change, but don't seek outside opinions for approval. It isn't that important what others think of you.You should focus on your own peppiness and positive contribution to the world. I usually value qualities I don't yet possess, which explains why I'm mostly talking about the Terminal values. I feel like the instrumental values are pretty much qualities everyone possesses whether they know it or not, so I didn't find the need to elaborate on them. I'm hoping to someday reach peace within myself or inner-harmony because I believe that the key to happiness, self-respect because essential to inner harmony, and wisdom because it's necessary for clear understanding.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Challenges of teaching and learning in inner city

Every kid deserves the right to an instruction that will help them to accomplish accomplishments and makings used throughout their lives. For many old ages now, this has been a cardinal purpose across Englands Government system, foregrounding the demand for a alteration in the quality and handiness of services, back uping all kids in the procedure of get the better ofing possible obstructions, enabling them to carry through their possible. â€Å" All kids deserve this sort of good start in life, irrespective of where they live, where they go to school, or their household background. † ( DCSF 2009 p.2 ) For many kids, school provides an array of rich and rewarding experiences, leting them the chance to boom in their acquisition and win to their possible. This nevertheless does non happen for all kids, with old grounds foregrounding that pupils from poorer backgrounds achieve less than their equals. Nevertheless, turn toing this issue has become a cardinal mission among Government leaders, school senior direction and instructors, taking to interrupt the nexus between disadvantage and low educational accomplishment. To ease these ambitious purposes, the Government implemented through the Children ‘s Act ( 2004 ) , a legislative programme that would use a reform within the Education system. Every Child Matters: Change for kids ( 2004 ) outlined a national model that would set up programmes of alteration, edifice services around the demands of all kids and immature people, taking to maximize chance and minimise hazard. Through five cardinal results: being healthy, remaining safe, basking and accomplishing, doing a positive part and accomplishing economic well being, the aspiration for the national model was to contract the spread between kids ‘s attainment degrees and purpose to advance positive good being in childhood and subsequently life. The primary focal point was to sketch a national model for alteration, designed to better and incorporate services, working together more efficaciously to run into the demands of kids and immature people. The results for the bringing of concerted services were to guarantee that all kids and immature people be safeguarded from injury, have better chances to develop and make their possible and receive effectual support, where necessary, from targeted services. Furthermore, parents and carers would hold better entree to services they require, having advice and support where necessary. The Every Child Matters ( 2004 ) model set out a vision for a individualized and high quality, integrated service, available for all to entree. In order to interrupt the nexus between disadvantage and low accomplishment, and have every kid successfully attain the five specific results, those that work closely with kids and immature people need to understand the effects of deprived upbringings and what barriers they can show. The causes behind hapless upbringings are diverse and varied, but must be noted that money may non be the exclusive ground. Poor lodging and unequal diet are important factors ; nevertheless, cultural barriers to larning can besides hold a dramatic affect on kids, particularly for those that live in disadvantaged communities, preponderantly within the interior metropolis. Parental sentiments of the value of schooling act as a cardinal factor as low aspirations and agnosticism about instruction can act upon kids ‘s beliefs. The impact of this can go more evident when kids start go toing full clip schooling, as the scope of their educational experiences can change dramatically. Some kids, from more advantaged places, may hold had entree to a greater assortment of educational experiences such as books, visits to interesting topographic points like museums and theaters, every bit good as the wider universe, advancing acquisition at an early phase. Unfortunately, nevertheless, other parents may non hold the money, resources, accomplishments or assurance to supply their kids with such experiences, perchance impacting their acquisition development. The significance of this is huge, act uponing a kid ‘s future educational experiences unless tackled at an early age. In the study Interrupting the nexus between disadvantage and low attainment: Everyone ‘s concern ( 2009 ) , it is expressed that ; â€Å" When kids start school already behind their equals, this can set up a go oning rhythm of under – public presentation. They find it difficult to maintain up and so may larn more easy, hence falling even further buttocks. † ( DCSF 2009 p.18 ) Interrupting this rhythm of under accomplishment requires Government, schools and wellness attention bureaus to seek to advance ways to battle the effects of poorness as kids from disadvantaged backgrounds can be at increased hazard of being unable to entree the course of study, and lose assurance in their ability to win. Within the Enjoy and achieve result of Every Child Matters ( 2004 ) , it is outlined that kids should be ready for their school experience, and attend and bask their acquisition through active engagement. Children should play an active function in accomplishing national instruction criterions, fostering this with their personal and societal development. Previous research has shown that it is paramount that instructor ‘s identify those who are falling behind early on through appraisal, conveying about a individualized attack to learning and larning. Harmonizing to Gilbert ( 2006 ) , personalisation should be a cardinal characteristic of instruction, later raisi ng the outlooks for students, guaranting the intended results match their outlooks. As it is believed that students from disadvantaged groups within our society are least likely to accomplish good, the Every Child Matters ( 2004 ) docket emphasises the importance of every kid, irrespective of their societal background, holding an impregnable instruction: â€Å" Children and immature people learn and thrive when they are healthy, safeguarded from injury and engaged. The grounds shows clearly that educational accomplishment is the most effectual manner to better results for hapless kids and interrupt the rhythm of want. † ( DCSF 2004 p.8 ) This farther physiques upon Gilbert ‘s ( 2006 ) accent of individualized instruction and acquisition, as cut downing the persistent and unacceptable spreads in mean attainment, between different societal groups, requires focus upon what indispensable cognition and accomplishments kids require in order to boom in our changing universe. This lays farther accent on the importance of instructors geting cardinal qualities in order to help all kids, irrespective of their background, on both an educational and societal degree. Although an outstanding pedagogical attack to instruction is cardinal, instructors must chiefly understand why some kids fail to entree instruction and make their possible. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds, frequently populating within an interior metropolis environment, could see an array of barriers to their acquisition, encouraging schools and local governments to implement and follow schemes to turn to them. Within Interrupting the nexus between disad vantage and low attainment ( 2009 ) it was expressed that the effects of disadvantage can be cumulative and relentless, typically taking to hapless students doing slower advancement, frequently attributed to assorted factors. As antecedently outlined, spreads within kids ‘s cognitive ability, before the age of five, could put the foundations for low accomplishment, farther stressing the demand of multi bureau cooperation. The Every Child Matters ( 2004 ) , model emphasises the impression that supplying support for households is imperative, advancing the benefits of early acquisition experiences and the importance of the place acquisition environment. Lack of parental support could take down kids ‘s aspirations, act uponing their behavior and attending at school, therefore making personal barriers to get the better of. Reacting to this, harmonizing to Balls ( 2009 ) , requires schools and instructors to work closely with parents and households, using cardinal behavior and absence policies. With add-on to these societal barriers, kids from deprived upbringings are frequently more likely to be recognised as holding Particular Educational Needs ( SEN ) . Balls ( 2010 ) expressed that the designation of Particular Educational Needs ( SEN ) should non be confused with the belief of underperformance or non meeting possible. Through actively turn toing particular educational proviso, instructors should convey about individualized instruction and acquisition attacks, implementing appropriate intercessions where necessary. This farther builds upon a old Government study, Quality Standards for Special Educational Needs ( SEN ) support and Outreach services ( 2008 ) . The criterions outlined aimed to steer the development of proviso and support, helping local governments and others in finding appropriate resources and rating procedures. Furthermore, the study highlighted how choice Special Educational Needs proviso can lend straight to the five Every Child Mat ters ( 2004 ) results. Understanding the societal and educational barriers that kids populating within the interior metropolis can see allows instructors to, as the Every Child Matters ( 2004 ) docket highlighted, support students wider good – being, and take a individualized attack to larning. One important undertaking that aimed to convey about alterations to battle the disadvantage and low attainment nexus was that of The Extra Mile: How schools win in raising aspirations in disadvantaged communities ( 2008 ) . The undertaking aspired to research in item the barriers that kids from deprived communities face, seeking ways to better their opportunities to win at school. The focal point of the undertaking was non entirely on kids from utmost poorness, but more on kids whose households have been hapless for coevalss, frequently populating within communities with high offense degrees and low skilled, ill paying occupations. The impact of this generational poorness can foster construct upon kids Ã¢â‚¬Ë œs barriers to larning and influence accomplishment at school, as parental cynicism about the importance of instruction, can be made more evident: â€Å" Parents may hold had bad experiences of their ain at school, and this rubs off on their kids. Sometimes, the emphasiss of their state of affairs are reflected in the behavior of their kids, who come to school troubled and wary, and non mentally prepared for larning. † ( DCSF 2008 p.3 ) With the purpose of raising aspirations for all kids, the undertaking leaders investigated, through sing first-class schools within disadvantaged countries of England, the features that instructors and school administrations require so to convey about alteration within instruction. Research showed that dynamic leaders bring a committedness, thrust and finding, actuating staff and making a ‘can bash ‘ ethos across the school. Furthermore, the schools visited aimed to guarantee that staff and students have an array of chances to turn and come on, bring forthing quality schoolroom experiences, orienting the course of study to the demands of their students intake. This builds upon the Every Child Matters ( 2004 ) docket, emphasizing the importance of individualized instruction and acquisition, easing all kids, irrespective of their background or start in life. Furthermore, through following a individualized teaching method, instructors can help kids to achieve their possible, constructing formidable foundations for future acquisition. Pedagogy and Personalisation ( 2007 ) highlighted that ; â€Å" Personalised acquisition agencies that kids and immature people, whatever their starting point, are able to carry through their possible as scholars. † ( ibid 2007 p.7 ) For all instructors, it is imperative that they engage their students in larning through a positive and motivative ethos ; nevertheless, within the interior metropolis environment it is apparent how this encouraging attack to learning and larning can significantly contract the attainment spreads between kids. Balls ( 2009 ) expressed that the success of this really much relies upon a cardinal scheme that would advance equality and inclusion within every school. Through developing a universal system, Balls ( 2009 ) aimed for all schools and instructors to put high aspirations for kids ‘s accomplishments, orienting larning experiences to specific demands and guaranting that every kid has person within the school that can back up their development. This specific result builds upon a antecedently implemented scheme intended to advance first-class instruction and acquisition within the interior metropolis. Excellence in Cities ( 2001 ) identified the benefits of single support for k ids, presenting Learning Mentors to better chances for deprived students. Working aboard learning staff and within the school ‘s pastoral support system, larning wise mans help kids to acquire the most out of their school experience, working with parents to enable them to foster back up their kid. Teaching, as a profession, is one of the most demanding occupations ; physically, emotionally and intellectually, nevertheless learning within the interior metropolis environment, can convey about farther challenges for both established and developing instructors. Meeting the demands of interior metropolis kids requires difficult work and dedication, constructing upon established partnerships to convey about alteration. Quality acquisition experiences are imperative ; nevertheless, within the interior metropolis these experiences can alter kids ‘s future chances. Interrupting the low attainment and disadvantage nexus, through understanding barriers to acquisition, requires instructors to guarantee that all kids have the chances to boom and develop, obtaining the Every Child Matters ( 2004 ) , outcomes, and lay the foundations for future acquisition.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chemistry Lab †Determining A Molecular Formula

Chemistry Lab – Determining A Molecular Formula Free Online Research Papers Purpose: To determine the molecular formula of CuSO4 xH2O using the mass of percent of water. Hypothesis: The variable x will be 5 and therefore the molecular formula will be CuSO4 5H2O. Materials: Hot Plate Beam Balance 100mL Beaker Scoopula Stirring Rod Beaker Tong Hydrated Copper (II) Sulfate Procedure: 1. Prepared a table to record observations. 2. Carefully plugged hot plate into desk outlet and turned on to medium heat. 3. Measured the mass of the beaker and the stirring rod. Recorded the mass in the table. 4. Added 3 g to 5 g of hydrated copper (II) sulfate to the beaker. 5. Measured the mass of the beaker with the hydrated copper (II) sulfate. Recorded the mass in table. 6. Heated the beaker with the hydrated copper (II) sulfate, stirred occasionally, until the crystals lost their blue colour. 7. Removed the beaker with the beaker tongs and allowed it to cool. 8. Found the mass of the beaker with the white powder. Recorded the mass in the table. Results: Substance Mass Empty beaker and glass rod 53.02 g Beaker, glass rod, and hydrated copper sulfate 57.34 g Beaker, glass rod, and anhydrous copper sulfate 56.165 g Hydrated copper sulfate 4.32 g Anhydrous copper sulfate 3.145 g Water 1.175 g Questions: 1. Determine the percent by mass of water in your sample of hydrated copper (II) sulfate. 2. Based on your data, determine the molecular formula of CuSO4 xH2O. 3. Suppose that you heated a sample of hydrated ionic compound in a test tube. What might you expect to see inside of the test tube, near the top of the test tube? Explain. If I heated a sample of a hydrated ionic compound in a test tube, inside the test tube I would expect to see water vapour, since the H2O would be evaporating when heated in the hot plate. 4. Suppose that you did not completely convert the hydrate to the anhydrous compound. Explain how this would effect: a) The calculated percent by mass of water in the compund. If I didnt completely convert the hydrate to the anhydrous compound, the calculated percent by mass of water int hecompound would be less. This is because the mass of the water would be less due to the mass of the anhydrous copper sulfate would be more. Thus it is not completely anhydrous. Therefore, if I went to subtract the hydrated by the anhydrous copper sulfate to get the mass of the water, it would be less. b) The molecuar formula you determined. If I didnt completely convert the hydrate to the anhydrous compound, the molecular formula would also be less since the mass of the water would be less due to the mass of anhydrous copper sulfate being more). Therefore, your molecular formula (and x) would be less. 5. Suggest a cource of error (not alraedy mentioned) that would result in a value of x that is: a) higher than the actual value. A course of error that would result in a value of x that is higher than the actual value is if you had not measured the masses correctly. If you had measured the mass to be more than it actually was, than your x would end up being higher than the actual value. b) lower than the actual value. A source of error that would result in the value of x that is lower than the actual value is if you had not measured the masses correctly. If you had not measured the compound with the stirring rod inside, than the mass would be less than it actually was. Thus, your x would be lower than the actual value. 6. List 5 specific safety precautions pertinent to this experiment. Pertinent to this experiment, there were some safety precautions to be taken into consideration. Firstly, your hair would have to be tied back since you were working with a hot plate. Secondly, you had to keep the aisles clear in case of an emergency, so that the teacher can have easy access to you. This also includes keeping your stools and bags clear of the aisles. Thirdly, you had to use a beaker tong to place the beaker ont op of the beam balance, since it was too hot to touch. Fourthly, you had to check your beaker for any cracks, since if it had any, then it would have a great chance of it exploding when heated. Lastly, you had to constantly moniter the hot plate and make sure not to touch it since you would burn yourself if you did. Conclusion: In conslusion, the hypothesis has been proven to be incorrect since the hypothesis was that the variable x will be 5. However, through calculations, it was proven the correct answer for variable x is 3. Therefore, the molecular formula of the hydrate is CuSO4 3H2O. Research Papers on Chemistry Lab - Determining A Molecular FormulaDefinition of Export QuotasResearch Process Part OneEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andStandardized TestingAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Spring and AutumnMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New Employees

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Categorisation in Long-Term Memory Essay Example for Free

Categorisation in Long-Term Memory Essay The method used was a field experiment as it took part in a classroom. This method was chosen because the independent variable can be manipulated to find the effect on the dependent variable, which can draw conclusions about cause and effect. Doing this allows reasonable control of extraneous variables and where the experimenter has a significant amount of control. An independent groups design was most appropriate because it prevents order effects and demand characteristics to a certain extent. There will be two groups, a control group who will be shown a random list of words and an experiment group who will receive a categorised list. This enables me to compare the number of words each group can recall and therefore claim the cause and effect. Independent variable Whether participants are presented with an organised list of words or not. Dependant variable Memory as measured by the number of words the participant recall from the list of words. Participants It was an opportunity sample of International school students from 13 to 14 years old. 10 participants were allocated into each condition randomly (condition 1: control group who received a random list of words, condition 2: experiment group with an organised list of categorised words). Each condition had 5 females and 5 males. Anyone that was available was asked if they would take part in the experiment. None of the participants dropped out and only 2 students refused to take part, because they were not ‘free’ at that moment. This sampling method was chosen because it was quick and convenient. By using independent designs, some extraneous variables were controlled. Order effects were prevented since different participants were allocated in different conditions. Having clear and concise standardised instructions reduced confusion. The procedures were standardised to reduce any experimenter effects. The room was kept in a constant temperature to reduce it from possibly affecting participant’s memory. Students were ranged from 13-14 years old. Other noise from outside the room may have distorted the results and therefore all windows and doors were closed so that as little noise as possible was allowed into the room. The group of participants who received the organised lists of words recalled more words than the participants with the randomly categorised list. It was distinctive from the graph that people given categorised words recalled more words than people who received a random list. The results support my hypothesis of better recall from students if words were categorised. The relationship between the independent and dependant variable was if the words were categorised, the higher the recall. Discussion Validity Validity is if the measuring apparatus measures what it’s meant to measure. By looking at the number of words remembered, it’s an indicator of memory as it is clear that the more words you recall the more words were remembered, this is called face validity and its purpose is to see if the experiment is testing what it’s supposed to measure. I chose 3 categories of words to use in my experiment and I think that they were the correct categories to use as they were all only 1 syllable and are generally used in everyday life. This is related to construct validity which is whether the method can be used to support the variable that is being measured. (If the experiment was replicated, we would see similar results) I think that I chose the words that best measure organisation and that my test was valid. Ecological validity is if the experiment measures a naturally occurring behaviour. This was a field experiment which has good ecological validity but it’s not usual for someone to be taken into a room and to participate in a test on a daily life setting. The participants were aware they were taking part in a psychology experiment so the results could have been affected by demand characteristics. Suggestions for improving validity Participants were aware they were talking part in a psychology experiment which could have created demand characteristics and possible experimenter bias. To obtain a higher ecological validity I could have applied my study to school/everyday life. For example, asking participants to recall a list of ingredients that they had used to bake a cake. This could prevent demand characteristics and experimenter bias as participants might not be aware this that it is a psychology experiment and could possibly make my results more valid. Doing this however, would make it harder to control any extraneous variables and the study would be more difficult to replicate and standardise. Reliability Reliability is whether the measuring method can measure consistently. If the experiment was repeated, similar results would appear. I have increased reliability using the same words in both lists. Two different lists of words decreases reliability as some words are easier to remember than others. Therefore using the same words will reduce this effect. In the list of organised words it was obvious that the experiment was testing memory which led to demand characteristics. The experiment were standardised which meant it’s easy to replicate. However, because participants were already told that they were taking part in a psychology experiment on memory, they knew what the experiment was about and could try harder to perform better on the test (demand characteristics). Improving reliability If I were to choose a different sampling method results would be much more representative, because my sample was an opportunity sample with only people who were ‘free’ at that moment. I could have chosen a random sample to increase reliability since there are different levels of cognitive abilities in students and not only people who were ‘free’. This method could be done by picking 10 males and females randomly (picking out names from hat) from each year group. This means a total of 70 subjects would be used instead of just 20 and doing this would give me more reliable results and a much more representative sample of school students. Also, to reduce demand characteristics the purpose of the experiment shouldn’t have been told to the participants until after the experiment, which is called debriefing. Implications of study Bousfield found that we have semantic organisation in our long-term memory. Bower et al found that organising words into a categorised hierarchy would help to improve recall. In this study I found that participants recalled more words when the words on this list were organised. This means that the findings of my experiment support both Bower’s and Bousfield’s findings. This implies that there is in fact a short and long-term memory and that there is some kind of semantic organisation of the information in the long-term memory which can improve people’s re-call. Generalisation of findings Target population is the age and group of people an experimenter plans to generalise their findings on. In my experiment the target population was Island School students between the ages 13-14 years old. This was hard to generalise due to the sampling method. The method was biased because only students who were available and around at that time were asked to participate. This could be improved if a larger sample of students were used and not only people who were ‘free’ to participate. My experiment only involved 20 people, which was too little to generalise a school of 1500 students. It was hard to generalise beyond the target population, as there are individual differences, psychological differences and cultural differences between much of the population. In addition my sample was too small to generalise beyond target population. Applications of everyday life It was found that an organised list of categorized words would be more efficient to remember than a randomly placed list of words. This can be applied to everyday life, for example when teachers teach children they have to teach in a systematical order so it is easier to recall the majority of information. As for a high school there is a syllabus which is organized by categorising the same type of information together. This is the most efficient way for remembering information and recalling it for exams. Categorisation in Long-Term Memory. (2017, Sep 17).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

As temperature increases the level of turbidity increases Lab Report

As temperature increases the level of turbidity increases - Lab Report Example 107). It can be said that it is the measure of how much light can pass on the water, and this may be influenced by suspending matter in the water; these may be sediments, organic matter, eroded soil, silt, industrial waste to mention a few. The particles resting at the bottom of water may also be stirred up by water movement, people or storm runoff. With levels of turbidity may indicate the water is unhealthy for aquatic life as light will not easily penetrate to the bottom. Introduction:Temperature may determine the conditions in which matter exists. Minute temperature changes in water may change the conditions and thus make the aquatic life hard to survive in. Temperature changes may also result from deforestation thus allowing more sun to directly shine in the water. Factories and other power plants use water as a coolant and later discharge it back to water sources, this changes the water temperatures. The above reasons were the inspiration for this experiment. The results: The results demonstrate that at 40 degrees Celsius the lowest level of turbidity were recorded. An average reading of 21.65 in the turbidimeter was recorded. At 10 degrees Celsius an average turbidity of 21.65 was noted, at 30 degrees Celsius an average of 21.72 value was recorded, our control was 20 degree Celsius which recorded a reading of 22.38 Conclusion: My hypothesis was that when temperatures increase turbidity of water also increases, this hypothesis should not be accepted as the results recorded did not show any correlation between the water samples taken and the level of turbidity. Recommendations: In the future this experiment should be done in a well controlled environment where the surrounding or confounding variables are well controlled so that they do not have an influence on the experiment. Parker, Gary, and Coastal River. River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM 2005, Proceeding of the 4th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal, and Estuarine

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Qualitative Research Problem and Design-Terence Essay

Qualitative Research Problem and Design-Terence - Essay Example current practical criminology and the particular crime perspective that was created within this research practice (Neuman & Wiegand, 2011).  It is also vital to state that a number of sociological learning on deviance that was focused on the future of a particular perspective of social science on deviance and crime had a qualitative method. However, this term was not well-known during the early twentieth century and there was also no apparent difference between quantitative and quality methods. During the 1940s, when the statistical processes and methods of survey progressed, the ethnographic custom of Chicago school established its place in the social research background and this also included criminology. The qualitative methods used in criminology were driven to the background by the reality that criminology was dominant by jurisprudence, at least in Germany (Schmalleger, 2012).  This started to change during the 1960s in the United States and during the 1970s in Germany. It is during this period that the labeling approach attempted to initiate a new model in social study on deviance. For both of the themes, a qualitative research method was suitable. If crime is considered to be achieved by actions of the organizations of social control, then crime must be analyzed to know its real meaning, an the most appropriet design to this is by use of qualitative research. Crime constitutes the aspects of situations that involve negotiations among various parties that may include the judge, the police, the witness, the victim and the offender (Noaks & Wincup, 2014). Therefore, the aspects of crime can only be inquired through the execution of qualitative methods. The labeling strategy concentrates on how crime is produced by rebuilding the scheduled performances of the foundation of social control and by rebuilding the inherent practices of the organizations of social control and also by rebuilding the inherent standards that produce those practices. This viewpoint on

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Critical Path - Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Path - Project Management - Assignment Example This process provides us a total time taken by the project. For assessing the total time we use above mentioned methods to find out the main project completion and development time. Through this time we obtain a project time line for the project execution. Here we also assign appropriate sequence to each activity of the project. Through these assigned activity sequencing, the expansion of a project network diagram is developed. This procedure is pretty time intense if completed with hand. Luckily, there are development organization software tools that can build network illustrations although there can be an illustration where we have to perform it by hand. One of the main causes for building a plan organization network drawing is to decide the elasticity inside the network (Kerzner, 2006) and (Field & Keller, 2007). Total float is the time obtainable for holding-up an activity devoid of delay end Date of the plan. The entire float of a task is then the biggest probable delay in finishing of this task that will not reason a delay in the achievement of the whole project. This recommends the subsequent instinctive notion: (Kerzner, 2006) and (Burke, 1999): The process of the determining the total float of a project activity involves the assessment of the total delaying an activity with no delay end Date of the plan. The total float of a project activity is the largest possible delay in the completion of that task that will not cause a delay in the accomplishment of the whole project (Kerzner, 2006). The assessment of the critical path provides a better overview of the project duration and more critical activates as well as their management. In the assessment of the critical activates of the project we determine their total float. Total float of the project if equal to zero then that activity denotes as the critical activity (Gray & Larson, 2006). The CP (critical path) is the best times path in the course of the network

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Risk Management To Avoid Delays In Road Construction Construction Essay

Risk Management To Avoid Delays In Road Construction Construction Essay The challenges in the construction industry are of same nature irrespective of geographic locations. The areas of concern in construction project management are timely completion of projects within the allocated cost, also serious concerns about resources utilization and project planning/control measures. Risk management is the art or practice of dealing with risk. It includes planning for risk, assessing (identifying analyzing) risk issues, developing risk handling strategies, and monitoring risks to determine how they have changed. My core area of works is in the field of engineering consultancy for various road projects in Dubai, which includes project planning and monitoring the performance of these projects, most of the times we face delays as well as cost overrun at these projects. Intension of doing the project works in this area is to form a procedure/systematic approach for identification and management of various risks in the road project with the help of various lean tools and TOC concepts. The risk management is not new to the organizations where as there is lack of awareness and systematic approach towards it. Risk management plan is successfully being implemented in Banks, Oil Companies, Health care etc also the IS 31000 suggests the frame work which can be implemented in any kind of industry irrespective of type place. IS 31000 guidelines can be modified as per the specific industry requirements. (Ref ISO 31000 page v Introduction) Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has an effect on at least one of the following project objective; Complete Project in allocated time Complete the project in allocated budget Maintain all quality standards as per Quality Management Plan Cover entire scope of works Project has known as well as unknown risks, in which known risks are considered for the risk management plan which can be identified, analysed and response plan can be prepared but to handle unknown risks we can have a contingency plan ready. The project work will require access to highly sensitive data of RTA (Road Transport Authority Dubai ) Parsons Overseas Ltds road projects and use of these data will be limited up to academic purpose only. Working with the various road projects in Dubai, I first derived the basic data which shows how many projects are delayed in terms of time/days as well as how much more the client has to pay for these projects other than the budgeted cost. (Ref Chart 1 for Days Chart 2 for Cost) Chart 1 Chart 2 The data above is taken from ten road projects in Dubai which clearly suggests that the delay in days has caused the respective increase in the cost this cost also may include the variation in scope. Causes behind the delay in these kinds of projects are external as well as internal, e.g. the global recession has caused client (RTA) to change the policy in terms of executing some projects, changing the priority, suspending some works etc is an external factor for the road projects where as the delay in material purchase is an internal factor. My work is more focused on the internal operational risks in these projects, where the data base in of ten RTA road projects will be used where as the sample risk management plan will be prepared based on ongoing project R800/6 for analysis purpose. Also the risk management plan for occupational Health safety as well as environmental risks are not considered for this exercise. Objectives behind Risk management plan Encourage Proactive rather than reactive management Be aware of the need to identify and treat risk throughout the organization Improve identification of opportunities and threats. Comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and international norms Improve reporting Improve corporate governance Improve stakeholders confidence trust Establish reliable basis for decision making and planning Improve Control Effectively allocate and use resources for risk treatment Improve operational effectiveness and efficiency Improve incident management and prevention Minimize loss Improve organizational learning RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY PARSONS GOALS Lead industry in Safety Continuously enhance the value of Parsons Corporation Maintain sustainable growth consistent with the demand in each market Grow consolidated net operating income and sales at least 10% annually Maintain a strong balance sheet. PARSONS STRATEGY Provide responsive, high quality service to our customers Develop long term relationships with customers who share our values. Promote best value solutions to our customers This document describes how we will perform the job of managing risks for RTA road projects in Dubai. It defines roles and responsibilities for participants in the risk processes, the risk management activities that will be carried out, the schedule and budget for risk management activities, and any tools and techniques that will be used. The objective behind this plan is to give systematic approach to identification, analysis, and monitor the various risks involved in the construction of Road/Bridge projects in Dubai and to avoid delay in the project. The risk identification at design phase is not considered for the exercise; largely emphasis is on construction activities. As a part of continuous improvement this plan has to be updated bimonthly or whenever necessary modifications are need to be done, with the consent of Risk Management team. SCOPE OF SAMPLE PROJECT This project is a component of the overall R800 Project Ras Al Khor Crossing Corridor. This Contract matches R800/5 Contract on one side. It involves the construction of a major grade-separated interchange to replace the existing Interchange No. 1 at Shaikh Zayed Road. The new interchange involves the construction of several bridges and underpasses to allow free flow of traffic and caters for the high volumes of traffic that will access new developments such as the Burj Dubai Developments, Business Bay and Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) from Shaikh Zayed Road. The bridges of this project are connected to the elevated viaducts above Doha Road that will be built as part of Contract R800/5s. The existing Interchange No. 1 structure will be demolished as part of this project The project also include the construction of roadway signage and pavement marking, landscaping, street lighting, irrigation ducts, diversion and/or protection of services such as DEWA-ED, DEWA Water, Etisalat, Sewerage, Storm Drainage and Irrigation Systems. Engineer M/s Parsons Overseas Limited Contractor M/s Salini Costruttori S.p.A. Contract Sum (Dhs.) AED 617,871,651.00 Project Commencment Date 11 October 2006 Contractual Completion Date 28 March 2009 ( Work is in Progress ) Time of Completion 730 Days ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The risk management team is not a separate task from the project management; it is an integral part of the project and requires team work. So as the construction team at project site is the part of risk management plan, where as to organize this work following members are assigned certain responsibilities. TEAM MEMBER RESPONCIBILITY PROJECT MANAGER RESIDENT ENGINEER Form a risk management team Review the risk management reports Decide a mitigation / contingency plan. Decision making. Review the exposure assessments for any new risk items. The Project Manager and other members of the Project Management team shall meetbiweekly suggestedto review the status of all risk mitigation efforts. RISK OFFICER PLANNING ENGINEER The Risk Officer has the following responsibilities and authority Coordinating risk identification and analysis activities. Maintaining the projects risk list. Notifying project management of new risk items Reporting risk resolution status to management. Project Member Assigned a Risk Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer Quantity surveyor Material Engineer The Risk Officer will assign each newly identified risk to a project member. Assess the exposure and probability for the risk factor and report the results of that analysis back to the Risk Officer. Assigned project members are also responsible for performing the steps of the mitigation plan and reporting progress to the Risk Officer biweekly. ROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT This is the controlled document to be prepared which suggests how to conduct risk management for projects. Risk planning is important to provide enough resources time for risk management activities. To start the risk planning the following major inputs are necessary; Scope of project Schedule management plan Cost management plan Communication management plan The output of this process in a Risk Management Plan which can be modified as the project progresses also as the project scope changes. Risk management plan includes; Methodology How to approach the risks, what are the tools to be used, data sources to be used in order to perform risk management. Roles Responsibilities Risk management is not an individual task it is a team work. Organization chart to be prepared. Budgeting Assign resources, estimates funds needed for risk management in case of contingency plans if any. This part we are not considering at present for our risk management plan assuming the budgeting is readily available. Timing Establish the review for RMP during tenure of the project as well as establish a mile stone to prepare and approve RMP before the commencement of actual project woks. Risk Category Prepare a Risk Break down structure that can provide a systematic approach to identify risks from different categories from the RBS. Risk Probability, impact and matrix The risks for qualitative as well as quantitative analysis can be measured as a defined scale and the specific combinations can be rated for planning response. Reporting Out come of the risk management processes to be documented and reported. Tracking How risk activities will be recorded for the benefit of the current project as well as for future needs and lessons learned, as well as the audit of the risk management processes. IDENTIFY THE RISKS The risk identification information is to be collected from all departments using tools such as document review, unstructured interviews, check list, assumptions, and experience from old projects. The risk team can extend this task to all other projects team members in identifying the risks then it can be compiled together to prepare a risk register. The risk identification can be initiated by forming a risk breakdown structure. RISK BREAK DOWN STRUCTURE As per the project scope and nature of the project the risk breakdown structure can be prepared, for the sample project the risk are identified using the following risk breakdown structure. RISK REGISTER Once the risk break down structure is final then the risk identification can be done and can be listed in the following format called Risk Register. Sr No Risk Risk WBS Probability Remark 1 132 kv electic line relocation Obs Utility 0.9 Obstructing NW bridge 2 1200mm dia water line Obs Utility 0.9 Bridge work 3 Sewerage line Obs Utility 0.9 Can delay the traffic diversion 4 Etisalat Line Obs Utility 0.75 Obstructing NW bridge 5 Mobilization Res- Manpower 0.4 Overall project 6 Trial Trench works Int- Authority Approvals 0.8 Utility Relocation works 7 Traffic Diversion scheme implementation Obs- Traffic Diversion 0.9 Utility Relocation as well as bridge works 8 Toyota Building Obs- Expropriation 0.8 Traffic Diversion 9 Diversion of the Existing 600mm 300mm Water Diversion Obs Utility 0.8 affecting bridge UW3 10 Programme submission and approval PM- Planninng 0.8 Overall project 11 132 Kv electric line, water pipe valves , irrigation pipe valves , long lead material Int- Material 0.8 Relocation works 12 Soil investigation , Pilling, Rebar subcontractor finalization Int-Subcontractor 0.8 Road Structure works 13 Plant machinary Res- Machine 0.4 14 utility line crossing along Sheikh Zaid Road Int-Method Statement 0.3 Special works required 15 Change in design Int-Scope 0.5 QUANTITAVIE RISK ANALYSIS ( Monte Carlo Simulation ) Monte Carlo simulation is a statistical method used to produce number of trials to determine the expected value of a random variable. The Risk register mentioned above indicates a variable Risk Probability the major task in a risk management plan is to ascertain the probability right. The above variable can range from minimum to maximum probability limits which are taken from individual interviews as well as the experts opinion. Aim of the simulation exercise in to derieve Expected probability value. This exercise is done on MS Excel separatly results of which are attached in Appendix D First step is to prepare a table as shown below which Sr No Risk Probability Minimum Probability Maximum 1 132 kv electic line relocation 7 10 2 1200mm dia water line 6 10 3 Sewerage line 5 10 4 Etisalat Line 4 8.5 5 Mobilization 4 4 6 Trial Trench works 6 9 7 Traffic Diversion scheme implementation 7 9 8 Toyota Building 6 9 9 Diversion of the Existing 600mm 300mm Water Diversion 6 9 10 Programme submission and approval 2 2 11 132 Kv electric line, water pipe valves , irrigation pipe valves , long lead material 4 6 12 Soil investigation , Pilling, Rebar subcontractor finalizatin 4 7 13 Plant machinary 3 6 14 Utility line crossing along Sheikh Zaid Road 4 6 15 Change in design 4 6 Once the table is ready the data is transferred to the excel sheet to perform simulation. The results from the simulation are summarized below Sr No Risk Probability Minimum Probability Maximum Probability From Simulation 1 132 kv electic line relocation 7 10 8.5 2 1200mm dia water line 6 10 8.0 3 Sewerage line 5 10 7.5 4 Etisalat Line 4 8.5 6.2 5 Mobilization 4 4 4.0 6 Trial Trench works 6 9 7.5 7 Traffic Diversion scheme implementation 7 9 8.0 8 Toyota Building 6 9 7.5 9 Diversion of the Existing 600mm 300mm Water Diversion 6 9 7.5 10 Programme submission and approval 2 2 2.0 11 132 Kv electric line, water pipe valves , irrigation pipe valves , long lead material 4 6 5.0 12 Soil investigation , Pilling, Rebar subcontractor finalizatin 4 7 5.5 13 Plant machinary 3 6 4.5 14 utility line crossing along Sheikh Zaid Road 4 6 5.0 15 Change in design 4 6 5.0 The above simulation is just a guide line to reach to a specific probality figures where as there are limitations to this method , one it is assumed that these variables for each risk are independent and analysed independently but practically there can be relationship between two or more risk issues. PERFORM QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS Risk probability and Impact Matrix With the help of risk register, risk management plan the risk will be identified for qualitative analysis. These risks are listed and assigned a risk rating using Risk probability and Impact Matrix. Aim of this method is to identify the critical risks based Risk rating which represents frequency of occurrence and the risk probability it self. The listed risks are then categorized as per the matrix established below. The numbers in the matrix represents the risk numbers from the risk register, from the above matrix we can establish the below categories High Risk, Medium Risk Low Risk. Sr No Risk Risk Rating Probability Risk Type 1 132 kv electic line relocation 8 8.5 High 2 1200mm dia water line 7 8.0 High 3 Sewerage line 6 7.5 High 4 Etisalat Line 4 6.2 High 6 Trial Trench works 5 7.5 High 7 Traffic Diversion scheme implementation 8 8.0 High 8 Toyota Building 3 7.5 High 9 Diversion of the Existing 600mm 300mm Water Diversion 8 7.5 High 15 Change in design 6 5.0 High 10 Programme submission and approval 3 2.0 Low 5 Mobilization 5 4.0 Medium 11 132 Kv electric line, water pipe valves , irrigation pipe valves , long lead material 4 5.0 Medium 12 Soil investigation , Pilling, Rebar subcontractor finalization 2 5.5 Medium 13 Plant machinery 4 4.5 Medium 14 utility line crossing along Sheikh Zaid Road 3 5.0 Medium ROOT CAUSE / CURRENT REALITY TREE ANALYSIS The above identified and categorized risk need to be further analysed to identify the root cause in order to avoid a potential delay or prepare a mitigation plan or to prepare a recovery plan. The above major risks are here classified by Current reality tree method Appendix E and the Plan Risk Response The process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to project objective. Monitor Control Risk The process of implementing risk response plans, tracking identified risks, monitoring residual risks, identifying new risks, and evaluating risk processes effectiveness throughout the project. Indentify Risks The risks to be identified based on historical events of other projects as well as the expertise opinion on the current project. 1. Risk management methodology to be used Risk Identification The objective behind this is to prepare comprehensive list of risks based on those events that might enhance, prevent, degrade or delay the achievement of objectives stated earlier. Also consideration has to be given to all risks whether they are with in the control or not in control. Risk Assessment Questionnaire, historical delay events/reports of other projects will be used to identify the risk. The questionnaire will be asked to the Design Engineers, Resident Engineer, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer, Quantity Surveyor, Quality/Material Egg, Planning Engineer etc. The data to be entered as per the formats attached in Appendix 1A. B. Categorize Risks The data collected from risk identification templates will be categorized as per the risks High Risks, Medium Risks, Low Risks also the probability of risk occurrence to be mentioned. The data to be entered as per the formats attached in Appendix 1B. Risk Impact Assessment For the each risk identified, the probability of risk occurrence for the particular risk will be established then asses impact of the same in terms of cost and time delay. Monte carols simulation, Decision tree analysis, and Failure Mode effect analysis to analyze risks one of these tools will be used to analyze the risk and forecast the impact. D. Prioritize Risks Risks that meet the threshold criteria will be recorded in the Risk Response Plan. E. Risk Response Planning: For each risk in the Risk Response Plan, determine the options and actions to reduce the likelihood or consequences of impact to the projects objectives. Determine the response based on a cost/benefit analysis (cost vs. expected effectiveness). Describe the actions to be taken to mitigate the risk Describe the actions to be taken when the risk event occurs (contingency plan) Assign responsibilities for each agreed upon response. Assigned a due date where risk responses are time sensitive Incorporated this information into the Risk Response Plan F. Monitor Risk: Document the dates and the actions taken to mitigate the risk Document the actions taken when the risk event occurred (contingency plan) Document any subsequent actions taken Incorporate this information into the Risk Response Plan Refer appendix 1F for the templates. Establish systematic reviews and schedule them in the project schedule. These reviews are to ensure: All of the requirements of the Risk Management Plan are being implemented Assess currently defined risks Evaluate effectiveness of actions taken Status of actions to be taken Validate previous risk assessment (likelihood and impact) Validate previous assumptions State new assumptions Identify new risks Risk Response Tracking Communications H. Control Risk: Validate mitigation strategies and alternatives. Take corrective action when actual events occur Assess impact on the project of actions taken ($$, time, resources) Identify new risks resulting from risk mitigation actions Ensure the Project Plan (including the Risk Management Plan) is maintained Ensure change control addresses risks associated with the proposed change Revise the Risk Assessment Questionnaire and other risk management documents to capture results of mitigation actions. Revise Risk Response Plan Communications 4. 8. Assumptions Only the project related risks are considered, the corporate issues, economy risks are not considered. Separate risk management plan is to be prepared for Occupational Health, Safety Environment as per IS14000 18000.The other significant assumptions to be mentioned if any. The application of the risk management plan is only limited to the construction work The objective behind risk management exercise is to implement a plan for a new project where as for dissertation purpose I have taken a old, ongoing project which gives realistic picture of delays happened so far and helps in analysis.