Friday, March 20, 2020

Interpretations of Hamlet Essay Example

Interpretations of Hamlet Essay Example Interpretations of Hamlet Essay Interpretations of Hamlet Essay Although both versions follow the central story of an undeceive prince wavering between avenging his fathers death or moving on with his life, each flick takes an opposite approach in portraying Shakespearean infamous story. Laurence Olivers version of Hamlet corresponds much with Shakespearean original screen play. The movie is set in the sasss when the play was first written, and is shown in black and white, gaining a feel for the original time period of Hamlet. Olivers choice of costumes for the characters and lack of guns as paeans also added to the accuracy of the film. As depicted In the play, most of the scenes are set In the Elisions Castle a dreary place, made of stone, and lit by candle light. The movie makes it easy to see why Hamlet views this place as a dungeon, where he cannot escape from his own madness. The famous line of, To be, or not to be, is delivered by Hamlet on a rock; the dagger held in his hand makes it clear that this troublesome character is contemplating suicide. Similar to the play, Claudia and Polonium spy behind a curtain to try and get to the bottom of Hamlets madness. In this Interpretation, Gertrude Is close In age to Hamlet, making for an Incestuous relationship between mother and son; however, In the original play It Is unclear whether Hamlet and his mother take part in a love affair. Although Olivers depiction of Hamlet is much like the play, there are several dissatisfying parts throughout this movie nonetheless. The total removal of Reconnects and Guilelessness eliminates any form of comedy the original screen play of Hamlet offered. Also noted is the disappointing role of Aphelia, who was seemingly added to the story merely to die ND set up the final duel between Hamlet and Alerter. Moreover, the film does an exceptional job of depicting the story of Hamlet as it was told by Shakespeare. Ethan Hawkers version of Hamlet takes an opposite approach when reenacting the play. The movie is set in a modern day theme in New York City. The story line takes place in the posh Hotel Elisions, instead of a castle, where all the characters seem to reside. Unlike in Shakespearean play and Olivers version of Hamlet, Denmark is not the name of a country, but a large corporation that Claudia has Just been named CEO of following the death of Hamlets father. The famous soliloquy made by Hamlet where he ponders death is made in a Blockbuster video store; here it is unclear what Hamlet is trying to get across to his audience unless one was already familiar with the play. In this version, Reconnects and Guilelessness are incorporated into the movie, depicted as party-loving, frat boys. Another difference between the flicks is Gertrude significant age difference from her son, Hamlet. The two have no love connection In tins Interpretation. Ayatollah, teen technology AT teen movie completely operates this version from Laurence Olivers version. Instead of Polonium and Claudia spying on Hamlet behind a curtain, they send Aphelia with a microphone attached to her to try and uncover the reasoning behind Hamlets madness. Technology is also used in Hamlets Mouse Trap skit, which is now shown to Claudia through a video. Furthermore, the use of guns in the movie to depict violence is another area where technology is used. As a result of all the technological distractions in Hawkers version of Hamlet, the audience can easily lose sight of the beauty of the story. On a more positive note however, the character of Aphelia is substantially more entertaining in this edition with her public break downs and inability to choose between her family and Hamlet. This screen version is set at a much faster pace than Olivers adaptation of Hamlet. Both versions of Hamlet incorporated different twists on the main story line. The interpretations each had positive and negative parts about them. However, due to Ethan Hawkers version being easily relatable to modern day audiences, I preferred this version to the more accurate Laurence Olivers depiction of Shakespearean play, Hamlet.

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