Sunday, May 10, 2020

Analysis Of The Article On Being An Atheist - 1290 Words

The question of God’s existence has been challenged by many philosophers and non-philosophers alike. Arguments that have been used to support the existence of a divine being includes the cosmological argument and the theological argument. However there are some who oppose these arguments and philosopher H.J. McCloskey is among this group. In the article â€Å"On Being an Atheist† written by H.J. McCloskey, he argues that both these arguments are false and insufficient as it relates to â€Å"proof† of God’s existence. McCloskey believes that without proper proof, we must completely dismiss the idea of God’s existence. In his well-written article he offers a few reasons why he believes that atheism is a much more comfortable belief verses a belief in a God who allows the suffering of his people. He suggested that the problem of evil and the fact that evil exist, means that God could not exist. McCloskey urges that people should just help each other ra ther than placing their faith in a God that is clearly imperfect due to the imperfect world that he has created. Credible as McCloskey may be, I saw many errors in his theory. It is my opinion that his attempt to define God is completely unsound and his philosophy is at best debatable. In this response paper I will be carefully examining each argument and also presenting a counter argument. I will be taking the stance from the perspective of a minimal theism who believes in the existence of God. Argument of â€Å"Proof† The word â€Å"proof† isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Article On Being An Atheist 1504 Words   |  7 PagesTheists and atheists have debated the existence of God for eons. Is there a God? If there is an all-powerful, omniscient being of sorts, then what proof do we have that he exists? If God does exist then why is there so much evil in the world? Why do innocent people suffer? Such questions may never be answered definitively. In the article â€Å"On Being an Atheist,† H.J. McCloskey presents some arguments made by theists in favor of the existence of God and then proceeds to debate those arguments from anRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article On Being An Atheist 1538 Words   |  7 Pagesexistence of a divine being includes the cosmological argument and the theological argument. However there are some who oppose these arguments and philosopher H.J. McCloskey is among this group. In the article â€Å"On Being an Atheist† written by H.J. McCloskey, he argues tha t both these arguments are false and insufficient as it relates to â€Å"proof† of God’s existence. McCloskey believes that without proper proof, we must completely dismiss the idea of God’s existence. In his well-written article he offers a fewRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article On Being An Atheist 1558 Words   |  7 Pagesof a divine being includes; the cosmological argument and the theological argument. However, there are some who oppose these arguments and philosopher H.J. McCloskey is among this group. In the article â€Å"On Being an Atheist† written by H.J. McCloskey, he argues that both these arguments are false and insufficient as it relates to â€Å"proof† of God’s existence. McCloskey believes that without proper proof, we must completely dismiss the idea of God’s existence. In his well-written article, he offers aRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article On Being An Atheist1136 Words   |  5 Pages H. J McCloskey in his arti cle, On Being an Atheist, is trying to show the readers are more reasonable and comfortable belief than that of Christianity. In the article he also puts up an argument concerning two theistic point of which is the cosmological and teleological argument. McCloskey also talks about the problems resulting from all the evil in the world. He goes as far to point out this evil in a world the God had made and blames God for it. Due to that fact and other issues, he believesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article On Being An Atheist 1634 Words   |  7 PagesH.J. McCloskey is an author who expresses his belief in atheism through his work. In 1968, He published an article called, â€Å"On Being an Atheist†. His view of God and the Christian belief is well thought out and addressed, however, in this essay I will be responding to some of his atheistic views and will be attempting to respond to them from a theistic worldview approach. In the article McCloskey, chooses to use the word â€Å"proof† instead of the word â€Å"theory†. By doing this he is making his argumentRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article On Being An Atheist 1794 Words   |  8 PagesH. J. McCloskey wrote the article â€Å"On Being an Atheist† in 1968 giving his reasons for rejecting God. He attempts to define God all while dismissing Him at the same time. He focuses on one of the most difficult things to explain in general which is evil and suffering in the world, yet we claim to have a perfect, and loving God. Though McCloskey desires proof and critiques the cosmological and teleological arguments against Gods existence, the most reasonable explanation for the universe itself isRead MoreAnalysis Of The Short Article On Being An Atheist 1714 Words   |  7 Pagesof Evil H. J. McCloskey is the author of the short article â€Å"On Being an Atheist†. He has also written many more books on the support of atheism. For this essay we will be looking at his article â€Å"On Being an Atheist†. In his article, McCloskey examines many Christian arguments for the existence of God. McCloskey not only says that Christians are wrong in using these arguments but he critically analyzes them from the view point of a devout atheist. While H. J. McCloskey gives his strong beliefs onRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article On Being An Atheist By H. J. Gilman1664 Words   |  7 PagesIn the article, â€Å"On Being an Atheist† by H. J. McCloskey’s, he makes several arguments as â€Å"proof† of God’s non-existence to support his atheism. He attacks arguments made by advocates on the existence of God. The arguments argued by Theist are not arguments for proof of God’s existence but are arguments for definitive beliefs of Godâ €™s existence. Any argument on proving the Almighty God’s existence is unsatisfactory. The Theist does not attempt to offer â€Å"proof† of God’s existence but rather offerRead MoreArticle Analysis of H J McCloskeys On Being an Atheist2019 Words   |  8 PagesIn some ways, it is refreshing to read H.J. McCloskeys article, On Being an Atheist. Most people assume atheists are simple nihilists who do not subscribe to any sort of convictions or beliefs. The authors text, however, refutes this conventional viewpoint by producing several reasons for embracing atheism, many of which are studied and labored counterarguments to typical claims of theists. The most important part of this essay is found in its opening paragraphs, in which the author makes a veryRead MoreThere s No Heaven By Salman Rushdie930 Words   |  4 Pagesof the same feelings as those expressed by author Salman Rushdie in his article Imagine There s No Heaven. In his article, Rushdie explains to his readers the faults with religion and explains to them how religion itself is holding humankind back from achieving much greater. Authors like Akinfenwa Oluwaseun also share supporting views and provide important evidence that support Rushdie s argument. In Oluwaseun s article, The Role of Religion in Modern Society: Masses Opium or Tool for Development

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