Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Benefits Of Exercise On Osteoporosis - 1653 Words

The Benefits of Exercise on Osteoporosis Many do not think about what makes bones so strong or even think about bones in general. To most bones are just apart of the skeleton, and hold the human body up. But what if the major bones in an individuals body became frail and began to brake from s simple fall? How would an individual maintain a normal life if their bones were susceptible to fracture from small forces? It seems like it would be nearly impossible however, with proper measures this disease referred to as osteoporosis is preventable and treatable. Various research studies have provided information on osteoporosis in order to inform the public of this growing disease to hopefully make people more aware of the simple prevention†¦show more content†¦Osteoporosis is a disease -which means it is an abnormality of a part of the body due to unfavorable factors within the body- that occurs without symptoms, of the bones where there is low bone mass and there is deterioration of bone tissue that usually effect the s pine, shoulder, wrist and hip (â€Å",† 2015). With low bone mass, bones begin to become fragile and weak. With weak bones, injuries such as fractures and broken bones are much more common for anyone suffering from osteoporosis. Living with Osteoporosis does not mean life is over, however it does meant that significant changes must be made, especially depending on the severity of the bone mass loss (See appendix A). Like most diseases, there are various factors to which can cause osteoporosis in an individual. Certain factors determine weather or not osteoporosis will affect an individual. There are some risk factors are beyond a person’s control i.e. Family history, while some factors can be prevented like increasing calcium intake. Several individuals have a high risk for the disease, as the risk factors can depend on age, to the type of medication that has been used. Very few individuals know that they have two or more of the risk factors that can determine weather they will get osteoporosis. Not surprisingly, already having low bone density will initially play a vital role in the development of osteoporosis. For example, having low bone density and a women

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