Sunday, January 26, 2020

Theory Of Mcluhan In Communications Media Essay

Theory Of Mcluhan In Communications Media Essay This research will discuss theory of McLuhan in communications and media technologies. And also will talk about some of the important points referred to by McLuhan in theories such as Global Media and understanding media. Also, Marshall McLuhan was also working in the 1960s but came up with a new and novel thesis. Scholars whom we have examined so far were all in some way concerned with media production and consumption and the effects of media on individuals, groups and societies and McLuhan was no different. But he took as his starting point, media technologies themselves and was interested in how the technology could affect the media messages that were transmitted. There have been many strong criticisms of McLuhans writings since the 1960s so today, we examine his work in detail and will also examine these criticisms. Introduction: Marshall McLuhan he was Canadian philosopher specializing in different communication theories and of the most important theories was studied media theory. And also had a lot of practical applications in many industries such as advertising and TV. This philosopher predicted the advent of the Internet 30 years ago is invented. McLuhan is work to coining the expressions the medium is the message and the global village, and for predicting the World Wide Web almost thirty years before it was invented although he was a fixture in media discourse in the late 1960s, his influence began to wane in the early 1970s. In the years after his death, he would continue to be a controversial figure in academic circles. With the arrival of the internet, however, there was renewed interest in his work and perspective. Hypothesis: Hypothesis in this research are as follows: The relationship between Media technology and Media message and also analyzes the criticism of the theory of Marshall McLuhan Research question: What did Marshal McLuhan write about the relationship between media technology and media message? Why was he so strongly criticized?There are lots of answers which will discover from this essay for this relationship. Methodology: Marshall McLuhan was also working in the 1960s but came up with a new and novel thesis. Scholars whom we have examined so far were all in some way concerned with media production and consumption and the effects of media on individuals, groups and societies and McLuhan was no different. But he took as his starting point, media technologies themselves and was interested in how the technology could affect the media messages that were transmitted. From lecture (theory of media technology communication) The relationship between Media technology and Media message: Media message a theory that was interested in studying all aspects and also next to that care Marshall studied technical and relationship with Media message. Lot of people around the world assumes that the true meaning of the center refers to mass media such as the press, radio and TV. Traditional understanding most of people that letter explains the content and information. But this allows putting it within results fault by people. Theory McLuhan says that the content of the information in the middle or message should be ignored and considered unimportant. In most cases people will be convinced that the center is no longer the message is nonsense. Intended McLuhan here not every center in its meaning clear. Marshall also interested in the changes that occur in our lives, whether a new invention or idea in life. Marshall also interested in the changes that were taking place in various aspects of life which have related to thinking of people such as communications and media tools. Marshall was tells us that the message you many different functions in the context of worldly for our lives. Letter tells us that any discovery or invention is presented to the Humanitarian Affairs example message theater productions indicate the change in public attitudes through public opinion on the content and substance of the message of the play. Also news bulletin it is not news themselves but change in public attitude toward crime or through the creation of attitude in the public, such as fear and terror. We note that this letter tell us the changes and effects of clear and unclear in the content. A global society in majority of cases the problem by different media a device that connects to people through it. We can see the electrical changes and the different cultural of society via the media. Read the message content correctly easy for us to understand it. There are a strong relationship between the technical and the content of the message in the media. Technical help to deliver the message content to the public in the community. Also help technical change peoples attitudes in many different aspects of the community. For Example advertising in the media such as television. Television displays many of advertisements for various things such as smart phones through advertising people will go to buy these phones that will help them in the process of connect and fast communicating. Of course, this depends on the content of the message in advertising if it was positive and convincing, and then the power to attract the public all this helps to attract the public to buy phones. Media as Extensions: Also McLuhan he was referred to a very important theory in the medium which that the content and the medium can do, such as humanitarian feelings for example loudspeaker helps to extend the ear for the widespread use of the medium will affect in a big way on the balance of the humanitarian feelings of the culture of a particular community. If the radio dominate sensations environment will be heard privilege to other humanitarian feelings of man in society. McLuhan said here is people should be aware they are separated from media technologies. In the media sympathetic describes McLuhan that the content of the middle like a piece of meat is carried by the thief in order to distract the attention of the Oversight Committee? This means that people tend dramatically to focus on content is clear that provides a person with useful information but in this process will hide all the changes that will occur in the content for long periods of time. The values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹of society and the ways in which we need to work things change because of technology and its impact on the content in the media. Important point of this we must recognize the social consequences of the center. Whether cultural issues, religious and historical during the process of interaction the current conditions to the social effects. The global village: In the sixties wrote McLuhan that visual culture will expires soon. Which called electronic dependence and this means that the electronic media replaced by visual culture of oral culture. In this new era of human beings will move from the individual culture to the collective identity. Hot and Cool Media: McLuhan Saied that different media have varying degrees of participation on the part of the person what will be consumed? Some media such as film and was hot that is, they focus on one meaning. In this case the person does not need to exert a lot of effort to fill in the details image movie. But McLuhan contradicts this with T in the cool and said the person needs more effort on his part to determine the meaning of the center in TV. Criticisms of McLuhan: There have been many strong criticisms of McLuhans writings since the 1960s until today. Firstly, it is important to note that McLuhan became rather famous in the 1960s and 70s after the publishing of Understanding Media. He was hailed in the popular US press as a new and important thinker and was interviewed in popular magazines. His key phrases such as the global village and the medium is the message were frequently used (although not always understood). But within academia (particularly critical theory and cultural studies), his work was met largely with criticism (although some scholars did admire his creativity and originality). To conclusion: In this essay I write on the theory communication for McLuhan. I write about the relationship between Media message and media technology with mention some examples of the social context in the global community. Also in this search for Media and the relationship of this theory with ideas McLuhan. Also wrote in this search for strong criticism for McLuhan with stated reasons led to this criticism. Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Higher Education Colleges of Applied Sciences Sur Assignment about: Marshall McLuhan The relationship between Media technology and Media message Name: Khalifa Saied Salim Albttashi ID number: 2008499106 Subject: theories of media communication Word count: 2000

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