Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Plots of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The Plots of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream There are four main plots in Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream. Theyre all carefully woven together and there are many characters involved. The first plot involves four young lovers trying to work out their love for each other. The second plot is about a wedding between the Duke of Athens and the Queen of the Amazons. Interspersed with these two plots is another involving some local town peasants who are rehearsing a play for the Duke’s wedding, but get interrupted when one of the actors gets transformed and a fairy queen falls in love with him, which is part of the final plot. All these plots make for a very jumbled night. This first plot is very complicated in†¦show more content†¦Puck comes back and puts the potion in Lysanders eyes once more to make him love Hermia again. Egeus finds them in the morning and gets angry but the Duke of Athens, Theseus, makes him take pity on the lovers and lets them marry who they want. So Helena and Demetrius get married and so do Hermia and Lysander and all is well. Another marriage is to take place in Athens but this time the two love each other dearly (without the help of fairy love potion). Theseus, the Duke of Athens, is to wed Hippolyta. Hippolyta is the Queen of the Amazons and considers herself lucky to be the fiancee of the Duke. Some peasants of Athens who know about this wedding decide they want to peform a play for the Duke and Duchess-to-be at their wedding ceremony. They are to perform, Pyramus and Thisbe, a great tragedy of that time. Peter Quince, the carpenter, is directing the play and is having a hard time with Nick Bottom, the weaver, because he wants to act every part in the play himself. The others in this play are Francis Flute, the bellows-mender, Robin Starveling, the tailor, Tom Snout, the tinker, and Snug, the joiner. They go into the woods to rehearse their play in secret. While theyre rehearsing Puck comes along and transforms Bottoms head into an asss head. The other members of the play run away in horror when they see him. Bottom has no clue why because he never seems to get that his head is not his own. Later in the night Puck changes himShow MoreRelatedMidsummers Night Dream1004 Words   |  5 Pages‘play within the play’ enhance your enjoyment of the rest of A Midsummer Night’s Dream? If not, why not? I would argue that A Midsummer Night’s Dream  is one of Shakespeare’s greatest comedies. Comedy is in abundance in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, especially in ‘the play within the play’. ‘The play within the play’ is a key characteristic in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and deserves a thorough analysis as it holds a tight link to the main plot of this play. This part of the play takes up most of act V andRead MoreMidsummers Night Dream1017 Words   |  5 Pages‘play within the play’ enhance your enjoyment of the rest of A Midsummer Night’s Dream? If not, why not? 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